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I'm just a laid back guy, who can be a bit of a goof sometimes once I'm comfortable around you. I mostly post SFM posters on here, but I will post the occasional cosplay photo. I enjoy Valve games, Doctor Who, and Gravity Falls.
I do not accept random friend requests on Steam! If you wish to add me, send me a note first!
Favourite Visual Artist
Vincent Van Gough, Pablo Picasso, Bob Ross
Favourite Movies
Deadpool, Harry Potter series, Pinocchio, Fantastic Beasts
Favourite TV Shows
Doctor Who, Supernatural, Big Bang Theory, Friends
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Legs, Nose, Robinson. The Quill, Kansas, The Eagles, Steam Powered Giraffe, The Cog is Dead
Favourite Books
Harry Potter series, The Adventures of Pinocchio, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Favourite Writers
Roal Dahl, J.K Rowling, James Patterson
Favourite Games
TF2, Portal and Portal 2, Cuphead, Super Mario series, Legend of Zelda series
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Source Filmmaker and Photoshop. Mouse, keyboard and tablet