SPIRITDRAGON - Osric bust WIPTheCreatorsEye on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/thecreatorseye/art/SPIRITDRAGON-Osric-bust-WIP-748018457TheCreatorsEye

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About time for some WIP I say. Fun fact, I'm actually a great, great, something niece to a famous sculptor which might account for me being able to sculpt a decent character bust lol.



Osric is a Spiritdragon - AKA a magister shape-shifter with a humanoid and dragon form.

Renowned for being one of the most influential races in the realms, the Spiritdragons' seat in government was second only to the Demon Council. As such the conflict between both parties remained prominent throughout their rein with neither side giving much leeway to the other, resulting in the events of the third war in it's bloody ultimatum.

And if I go any deeper into that lore, I'll be giving away book spoilers.



Book 1 - Spiritdragon is available on both ebook and print -

PRINT - www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1541030400…

EBOOK - www.amazon.co.uk/Chronicles-Or…


Book 2 - The demon's boy -  is set for release in Nov 2018 in both print and Ebook format from amazon.


Osric - copyright H B Boulton - The chronicles of the Order Book series.

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