X-Men Inktober Masterthecreatorhd on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/thecreatorhd/art/X-Men-Inktober-Master-491962077thecreatorhd

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X-Men Inktober Master



So, this October, I decided to do Inktober for the first time. I chose to draw 90s X-Men characters for the whole month (only heroes). It was a total blast. I did most with a Pentel Pocket Brush, but ditched it about 2/3 through the month. I hate using that thing. I just went back to my trusty brush. Here are all 31 drawings in one place. Each was done on 6x9 Bristol.

Can you name them all?
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2165x3400px 1.52 MB
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anonymous's avatar
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Beautiful. I can name all but the last ones on the second and third row.