TheColorsOfHomestuck's avatar


Years Ago
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Comments 14

anonymous's avatar
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unigenousUtinam's avatar
Hey just out of curiosity for the clueless,
how can i add more stuff into the favorites
section on here? I can't seem to find it
and I forget how I did it last time on here.
Help? TuT
Toboe4Ever's avatar
i closed the favorites section for now, that's why you can't submit
unigenousUtinam's avatar
I really appreciate your help thank
you :D
unigenousUtinam's avatar
also can you help me? I am not
sure what category to put this deviation in :T
pedanticSoothsayer's avatar
Are there any specific requirements for submissions, or is it just anything Homestuck?
Toboe4Ever's avatar
Anything homestuck as long as you've made it yourself c:
pedanticSoothsayer's avatar