Artrix's take on Family GuyTheArtrix on DeviantArt

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Artrix's take on Family Guy



And the Artrix's take on... series continues, and this time, it's Family Guy's turn.

Even though the very base of this picture lies behind a ArtRage doodle, my goal was clear: to glorify these, otherwise self-rediculing, characters to heaven. Y'know, like those anime intros where the characters are shown in pretty poses that makes they seem more important than they really are.

I'm sure you can find the obvious and not-so-obvious elements that are supposed to make this happen. It's also kinda experimental as the whole piece, even the initial sketch, is made on the computer. Yes, even the inking, and I'm satified with the outcome, and I'll definitely will use this technique for the minor inking work from now on.

Anyway, that pretty much sums it up. Uploaded this before completion because you guys have been waiting for a new piece for way too long (although most of my watchers won't care because it's not Naruto).

Finished shading
Image size
1000x456px 120.18 KB
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Birttank's avatar

Lucky there's a Family Guy