[3/4 OPEN] Evalian AdoptsTheArtistOfOz on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/theartistofoz/art/3-4-OPEN-Evalian-Adopts-927871779TheArtistOfOz

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TheArtistOfOz's avatar

[3/4 OPEN] Evalian Adopts



Heya, made some adopts for my server, if you're interested please check it out! They're only to be purchased with in server currency.

Evalia. A world full of magic and monsters, where the four types walk together and have adventures.

Lenebria, the dark elves, able to communicate with the dead and marked by night black skin.
Jelva, the forest elves, living and understanding the animals around them, each with an animal aspect that gives them special powers.
Felaric, the only ones who can use magic, and keep all the other types in order. Fearsome warriors in armour.
Liren, aquatic elves who merge into fish when in water, by some Kadic given miracle.

All was well in Evalia until monsters started appearing, and their happy balance was upset. Nobody knows why or how, but perhaps its time to look to the past for answers.
Evalia is a predominantly Art Based Roleplay, meaning you are given rewards for making art in games and events. Experience is not required! If you are looking to get better at art, now is your chance to find people on the same path. We also have…

✧ Friendly and knowledgeable staff team
✧ Comprehensive lore
✧ Beautiful species and characters
✧ Interesting plot and fun locations
✧ Supportive art community and adopts/trades
✧ Partnerships
Join us now!


Alternatively, they are OTA, feel free to offer on them
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2000x2000px 2.54 MB
© 2022 - 2025 TheArtistOfOz
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