Running madly, cheeks flushed, hearts desperate. Feet and hearts pound together, pounding passionate rhythms. All is madness and joy! Across the halls, down the stairs, jumping! Hiding! Pounding! Skirts flutter like wings, laughter sings in vodka-drenched whispers. Blue eyes pierce, discover, unravel, seeing what none can. Finding. Piercing truth, like the blade-on-skin, bruising flesh! Slicing madly, flesh flushed, spirit desperate. Feet and hearts pound together, pounding the sound of: "I'll find you where 'ere you hide!" Fingers cling and outstretch, mourning for the air that will never be again. Breathing breath and madly panting. Feet...
W00t.Ok...I'm appearing in my first college production, and opening night is tomorrow, and we run until Saturday. ::sighs:: I hope everything goes well.In other news, I'll be submitting my entry for the Wizard of Oz Club First Kiss contest within the next couple of days. Hope you enjoy that.Kthnxbai.:icon Wizard-of-Oz-Club: