I love you Charlie. R.I.P 06/12/12 by HappyClappyShit, literature
I love you Charlie. R.I.P 06/12/12
I love you Charlie. R.I.P 6/12/12I love you. You were my best friend. It was meant to be me and you against the world, no one could stop us. Not us. The two girls everyone in class glared at for being too happy, too loud, too full of life. And now you've no life left in you, and i feel like when you passed away you took all of my happiness with you.You were amazing. Always there for me, even though my troubles were things that no 14 year old should go through, never mind pass onto some one else to worry about. Where ever you were there was an epidemic of smiles, you're smile with your twinkling eyes were too much to resist, and your laugh ...
Hi, #ShadowPoetry is having a poetry contest and we wanted to invite everyone in this group to participate! here's the info [link][link] hope to see you all there!