The-Sailor-Kids's avatar


Years Ago
165 Members175 Watchers

Comments 46

anonymous's avatar
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FireFlea-San's avatar
Hello there. I would like to make you aware that you have an extremely callous art thief amongst your members by the name of nads6969 and I highly recommend that you block and ban this user from your group. They have stolen from countless artists for over ten years and she is well aware of her actions, yet she shows no remorse and no signs of ceasing her theft.

Please view the following proof with the links to her stolen traces and the originals in the artists descriptions:
Nads6969 Overlay 26 by Genetic-Miles  Nads6969 Overlay 25 by Genetic-Miles 
  Nads6969 Overlay 24 by Genetic-Miles  Nads Overlay 7 by Genetic-Miles 

For much more information including screenshots showing Nads responses to people's comments stating how she does not care about stealing work from artists, please view this journal.

Stop Supporting Nads6969 (Update 3)UPDATE 3: Another comment captured by nads before she hid it showing how callous and cruel she is. She really DOESN'T CARE that she steals your art. She DOESN'T CARE that she doesn't credit you. And she will continue to do it. FOR TEN YEARS. And as long as she continues to get away with it, TEN YEARS MORE. Let's not let her continue to get away with this. 

She has also recently posted new work, now tracing and stealing from artist KarolHofman.
UPDATE 2: Nads continues to poor more gasoline on herself. Let it be known that she doesn't care about being confronted which means she doesn't care about stealing from artist's. She even has the AUDACITY to claim that she "knows how to draw". My brain struggles to process this all. Let us continue to put the pressure on this situation and gather more attention; let's not let her

Thank you.
CrystalSetsuna's avatar
Is this group still active? I try to submit stuff but it just expires. :(
NeoSCosmos's avatar
The Largest Sailormoon Website is Recruiting Helpers check out the Banner!!!.

If you wish to know the complexity of the site I posted the site tree on a sm forum post…

I would truly appreciate your support. Kalee.ane
CrystalSetsuna's avatar
hey guys, there's an Otaku Halloween Dress Design give away going on, RIGHT NOW! check out this journal to see how easy it is to enter!…
rodentfanatic's avatar
Does this group accept fanfiction concerning Sailor kids?
May-be-Lee's avatar
I believe we are a group only for artwork.
elila's avatar
But there is already fanfics in our group, so if we've (or could've been ~Ivory664 I guess) allowed it before shouldn't we continue? ^^;

I'm confused now! :XD: