can I add my two pennath, firstly the origanal predator in my opinion is by far the best, thats including the new gang that are in the predators movie. as was commented before this predator was far more safisticated in every way. in the production values and if you study the consept I dont buy in to the : he was a young predator!. he or indeed she or it... as we dont know how sex or reproduction works in there species. I belive that the femails run the show on there home world, not like the Alien Queen but more of a Amazon like suciety. thats why all these rutting mails spend ther time fighting the terrors of the universe. the femails must be impressed by trofys. I would like to suggest that they are very scary looking and not humanised at all. in the film universe humans are the baddest thing out there! because were cunning , violent and trible. having said that the Praws in District-9 could be the baddest of all if propely motivated. Im not in to the AVP movies and apart from Alien, Aliens and the exstended version of Alien3, the rest are garbage( sorry) but thats my opinion. yes a senario between the Prawns and the Predators exsites me very much but I dont think it should happon any more than Darth Vader turning up and swinging his light sabure around and using the force against them. the Predator films should involve humans and new creatures in the Romen style arena consept or hunting in War situations such as Afganistan or any wor we as humans have had... My hunch is the predators can time hop... thats a cool idea,they can pop up in any time ard course havok. it would exsplain misterys or war such as. teams going missing, plains ships or how battles seem to be won against all the odds. Im rambeling a bit now so to end this comment. the very best Predator is the first on. Sadlt now the Master monster maker Stan Winston has passed Im not hopefull that the attention to detail or the reality it needs to bring these charectors to life properly, withought the bull that all the others have with pointless weapons such as the throwing disk or that weapon stolen from the film Krull, the blade frisby lol. dont all jump down my neck but is Ridly Scott gave the Predator comsept his FULL atention then we would all have the movie we dream ove... thanks for giving my thoughts attention and coping with my terible spelling (forgive) last word: wot is the collective word fore a small group of Predators??? my suggestion is a MURDER...