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nyan cat tribe :3
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  • Apr 12
  • Deviant for 15 years
  • She / Her
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (79)
My Bio

Just a woman who like games
and daydreaming
and cat,,,,,>▽
I'm a type of artist who need a looooooong time to create something. Especially for drawing. Being a helpless, stubborn perfectionist I am, I usually thinking much before, then draw, erase, redraw, erase again, and so on till I think it look good. Please bear with it,,,,>
Feel free if you want to post my works somewhere else, just give link back or credits and don't claim them as your own. Thank you very much~

"Reality is not at all gentle.

Escape into your own fantasies!
I shall continue to dance for your world of illusions!
I shall dance for eternity as the witch who brings you dread!
You and I.
Together, we shall create the final fantasy.
Within are life and death and sweet dreams."
Edea - Final Fantasy VIII

Favourite genre of music: Clasic, J-Pop
Favourite style of art: realism, anime, chibby
Favourite cartoon character: Cloud Strife, Sebastian, Xerxes Break, and too much more..
Personal Quote: "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so"

Favourite Visual Artist
Tetsuya Nomura, Jun Mochizuki
Favourite Movies
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Hillsong, Bump of Chicken, Kenshi Yonezu/hachi, wowaka
Favourite Games
FFVII, Tales of Abbys
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, Photoshop, SAI
Other Interests
Gaming, reading, drawing


0 min read
1 year and 2 months since my last journal.. eep.. I do came to dA sometimes, but mostly to seek for references or stuff. Truth to be told, I hardly being productive this year (._. ). So even if I came here, I didn't know what to write or have anything worthy to upload. But I'll still come here, so feel free to leave message or anything^^.As for me, many things happen ever since my last journal. This one year was not my best moment, thats for sure. My fifth semester in college had been HELL. Bitten more than I can chew. Through some unfortunate event, I end up taking too much class, and the result... wasn't pretty. To make matter worse, I a...
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And since when I write a decent, proper journal? Mostly my journals were random ramblings XD.First, greetings. Greetings may be considered unimportant. However some time ago I learned myself that a simple 'hello, how are you' can be a sentence so valuable, source of consolation and prove that someone is care about our well being. So,Hello, How are you? I hope everyone is alright and as happy as they could~The reason why I write this journal: first is to apologize for my absent. My last activity was in December, and I fear I will only going here when I have free time in my holiday, which mean only every five-six months or so. Yep, if you ha...
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Finally, this semester ends, no more assignment and now it's Christmas holiday~~ Merry Christmas to everyone~Not so much Christmas vibe in my place though, since I still have to work at my shop. Also this is my first time to spend Christmas away from home and family. It feels... weird. However, at least I have my friends here and will spend my Christmas Eve with them, so I should be thankful :3.Holiday means more time, and finally I finished my Type-0~ .Yeah, I know. So late XD. The ending is so........... ; ___ ; . I still love this game, but now I wary to touch any of SE's portable game. Crisis Core, Duodecim, KH BBS, and now this. And i...
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Aerith88's avatar
Happy birthday :party: :party:
Aerith88's avatar
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Have a nice day !!
Aerith88's avatar
:iconbummy1::party::cake: Happy birthday :cake::party::iconbummy1:
GreeneGrey's avatar
Happy birthday!!! :party:
Udafiue's avatar
Your art is really cool!
The-m00nriver's avatar
Udafiue's avatar