Broken Silence

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the-hottest-gimmick's avatar
My new comic...very personal subject matter.
It's going to be uploaded it's also a work in progress
Characters are all (or mostly all) in a support group made for every kind of mental or physical abuse or stress...
Here if you are interested...
The characters and a bit about them:

Roman Stanislavski- Lived in Russia for the first half of his life. Abused by his father and sent off to America by his mother to get a new life. He was blinded by his father along with many, many other scars throughout his body. He was living in a foster home in and out in many different states but when he turned 18, he was suggested to go to a trial support group for abuse victims in Seattle, Washington. He accepts.

Charlie Kassidy- Abused by his mother at a young age and even though he has no outer scars, he has one to the heart. He is  very sarcastic and funny. He has a sunny disposition and still wonders why he needs to go to a support group. Due to their similar pasts, Charlie and Roman quickly become friends.

Sloane O'Nealle- Severely depressed after her boyfriend committed suicide and tried to commit suicide herself by cutting her wrists in the bathtub. Luckily, her sister found her and rushed her to the hospital. She is on medication but is still mourning her boyfriend's death. She attends group.

Camille O'Nealle- A very cheery and helpful person. She is Sloane's older sister by a year. Has a twin brother, Carter. She is covered with freckles head to toe and has bright red hair.

Deandrah London- An orphan. She was left at the age of 3 months. She has no idea who she is and in an effort to find herself she has created an altar ego who is a super hero. She attends group.

Malcom Aschersohn- Whilst driving home from a play with his fiance, Mairella, they stop at a red light. A drunk driver hits the car from the side and instantly kills Mairella leaving Malcom with fractured ribs and three broken bones. He now tries to cope with his ultimate loss by smoking pot. He is now unemployed living with his sister. He attends group.

That pretty much wraps it up for now...and as for the influx of deviations, i wanted to share with you my masterpiece i have been crafting since spring.
I hope you read it because i have put so much effort into the back stories and whatnot...i enjoy it.
And as always...a writer writes...always (jk lol)

This story belongs to me and all characters are truly of my own imagination.All characters relating to anyone living or dead is merely coincidental and unintentional.

© 2013 - 2025 the-hottest-gimmick
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