The-Hobbit-Fans's avatar


dwarves! at your service!
Years Ago
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anonymous's avatar
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redsonya131313's avatar
I apologize. I submitted my sketch in the wrong folder. I was a bit half asleep last night. I saw O, and thought I put in OC.
NinkSkoir's avatar
No problem at all! ;)
redsonya131313's avatar
I want to thank the founder and co-founders of this group. They appreciate any submissions that I have submitted. I was in another group that does not. My work would be put aside for others, and I was one of the few that had to follow the exact rules, while others did not. Thank you. This is a great group.
NinkSkoir's avatar
Glad you happy with it sweetie! Everyone deserves a chance! :huggle:
redsonya131313's avatar
Yes, everyone does. Why do people prefer digital art, than traditional?
NinkSkoir's avatar
Do you mean just digital art or perhaps colored drawings? I guess well sometimes scanned traditional art can look not that defined and people are the creatures of the eye... (I have a trick for darkening the scanned sketches and cleaning them up if you want I can tell you.) As for color both mediums can be done gorgeously! But again I must say for some and in my experience a scanner can erase certain detailing (in my experience too)
JenWdraws's avatar
Hi! I have started working on a fanfiction for all the readers out there! 
I feel like I'm the only one shipping this, but anyways, here it is. 
A Kili/Legolas fanfiction.…