Alright, time to come clean: I lost desire to do the Dewott Feels Like arc I had planned. It's been in limbo for too long and it no longer is the story I wish to tell for Takumi any longer.
So instead, I've forked over some dough for Gates to Infinity, the latest PMD title on 3DS, and to build his character from there. I've already got something on my mind of how I want to develop him, but don't expect any long arcs anymore.
It's a shame for those who wanted to see how it went, I know. But really, not only do I not want to write this original plot anymore, I really want to go back to what I'm more comfortable, which is more or less, one-shot humor and simple portraits.
I might revisit later if I'm feeling daring, but I wouldn't hold your breath on that.
In the meantime...I do hope more inspiration springs to mind with the newest game. After all, it did wonders last time.