Hey there! Glad of you to stop by! Help yourself to an Apple or a Berry.
As you might've already guessed, I dabble mainly in Pokémon fan art. In particular, my main focus is towards the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series by CHUNSOFT. It's setting has inspired more pieces on this deviantART page than anything else you're bound to find here, so if you're the type that just so happens to like their Pokémon to be speaking, you've come to the right place!
No doubt, you'll probably find the most enjoyment out of my comics, if the ratio of the faves are to be believed. My art may be crude, but I always do my absolute best to get a laugh out of everyone who stops by.
As for some more personal information, as you might've guessed, I really enjoy gaming and have been for as long as I can remember. A proud Canadian, I try my best to be friendly, though I can be really shy. As a result, I currently live alone, but I'm not about to give up! I try not to let things get to me and keep an optimistic attitude towards life.
That's about it, really. I hope you enjoy this page and thanks again for taking a look!
Current Residence: My Rescue Team Base
Favourite genre of music: Classical and VG Music
Favourite style of art: Western Animation
Operating System: Windows 7
MP3 player of choice: As long as it plays music, I don't care.
Favourite cartoon character: Meowth
Personal Quote: "The internet is like high-tech Play-Doh! I can mold into anything I want!"