The-Fur's avatar


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Comments 15

anonymous's avatar
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Madarao123's avatar
Plz help a classic werewolf get into a video game…
KittenConcoctions's avatar
NightsGem's avatar
Would this be allowed? [link]
WoLfgIrLyS's avatar
May I ask you for a big favour =)
Our group #worldwide-fursuiters is holding an icon design contest and I would like to ask you if you could help us spread the word around by mentioning and linking it in your journal?
Here is the link for contest describtion and prizes ~~> [link]

Thank you so much in advance! ☺
WeaselHTF's avatar
MWmagic's avatar
Hello there people! I need help! And what I exactly need is orange fur (as best quality as it's possible) in online would be the best to have this shop in Europe (shipping fee from US is killing me sometimes) but actually jsut ANYTHING WILL DO. I'm in need of this fur so so so so so much ;A; Please help me!
ThoronINC's avatar
sorry I cant really help...but fabric land a uk store normaly has some - just ask at counter.