The-Free-Dreamers's avatar


Arts/Journals/Sarcastic People
Years Ago
11 Members6 Watchers

Comments 28

anonymous's avatar
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xXAyaYuiXx's avatar
I can't submit some of my artworks? Does the folders are open? Just asking... :3
StevenUniversFan's avatar
It is open. Be free to submit art. There is a limit of 10 deviations per day though.
xXAyaYuiXx's avatar
I'm sorry for what I said to you... But it saids that I don't have a permission to the group/ I can't submit once... I tried it two times (December 13,2017)...

Sorry for what I have said to you...
xXAyaYuiXx's avatar
I tried to look at the folders on the gallery but I can't... I want to upload something but it said that I can't upload on the group or you don't have a permission.

But I will try to submit again... :3
StevenUniversFan's avatar
Good luck. I`m unsure why there is problems with the submission of art.
xXAyaYuiXx's avatar
Why I can't join??