The-FF-roundup's avatar


Join the Mischief and Mayhem!
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anonymous's avatar
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giiraaffee's avatar
deviantART Groups  Thank you for accepting my request to join the group. 
MissJessicaAmy's avatar
Thank you for accepting my request to be a Member of your group! deviantART Groups 
FinalFantasyCosplays's avatar
All of my submissions have expired.  :(  Is this a dead group?
ManticoreEX's avatar
They're from the US so we wouldn't be able to take them in that folder. Please pop it in the international folder. Apologies for not having come back so soon
dragor1987's avatar
hey ive just started work on rosa farrell from ff4... but i think im going to get a little stuck on her shoulder armour as ive never done anything quite like it before!!! has anyone got any suggestions??? any ideas would be really appreciated..... btw HI im new to this group, and already have a yuna songstress costume and have started (done armwarmers and started on duster) for rinoa!!!
ManticoreEX's avatar
Already on the case love, Will direct you to some links on the FB group
dragor1987's avatar
thank you so much xx