It's not that they weren't cute enough, It would just be frustrating when there's a big clump of drawings from one person in the stack of messages all at once
(not just applying to you.)
And we've had problems with people submitting pretty much all their work at once (that's why we have the limit now, it might be changed again sometime soon)
One last thing...I don't want to sound rude at all, some of your art is very cute (My favorite is the Dawn chibi you made.) However,some of your art doesn't quite suit the group. I personally don't think N is a very cute character at all and your left-handed drawn Eridan is more funny if anything. We don't just let anything into the group, I've had to deal with groups that let just about anything (even if it didn't pertain to the group at all) and they were extremely frustrating to be in and work with. I'm trying to keep this group as least stressful as possible for my cofounders and I to work with and as cute as our watchers want it to be.
Please don't take this the wrong way, we do like seeing your art and we'd love to see more cute things from you, we aren't trying to discourage you from submitting to our group.
I hope that answered your question~