The-Chibi-Fan-Club's avatar


Years Ago
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Rorimitan's avatar
(U。・w・。U)ノ Hello ☆☆☆

I made a group that loves the "Chibi" character and "Nendoroid"!
It's named "Chibi-Nendoroid-Team"!
And I only just made it about to enter If you like "Chibi" character and "Nendoroid"!
Illustrations, photos, 3D Art ..., okay whatever works to be up if put for the "Chibi" character and "Nendoroid"!


Sylveon17's avatar
Do you guys know what happened to the 10,000 points giveaway?
BloodlessTwinCosplay's avatar
Sorry, don't have a clue. Wish I did though, it's driving me nuts not knowing. :D If I find out I'll make to let you know though!
Sylveon17's avatar
Thanks! It just seems weird to me that someone would start that and as soon as it reached 200 comments it shut down. Account and all!
BloodlessTwinCosplay's avatar
Yeah, I don't understand either but hopefully some one knows something and could let us know :)