Goku Black (Read Desc.)The-Aspiring-Creator on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/the-aspiring-creator/art/Goku-Black-Read-Desc-791802000The-Aspiring-Creator

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The-Aspiring-Creator's avatar

Goku Black (Read Desc.)



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Before anyone asks? Let me be clear that this actually is not a trace. This is an original drawing birthed from me CAREFULLY looking at the original piece (Which was a trace.) I found on DeviantArt and drawing details accordingly. However I did change an element and that is Goku Black's face. The original image had a face very similar to the original shot this was based on of Goku from the Broly movie holding his coat and because of that, he had the original Goku's bigger more innocent rounded eyes which for the record I've NEVER liked when it comes to Goku Black. From a visual perspective I've always liked Goku Black's eyes to be the more angular serious eyes because this isn't supposed to be like normal Goku, there are supposed to be a few details that are off-putting so to have him with the more angular eyes and a wider smirk in my opinion helps to make him more evil-looking. I also looked at the original teaser poster for ear-detail reference since I really didn't care for the ear details on this one. As for the earring I free-handed it.

Probably the biggest, most annoying part of this is the coat because here's the thing about my set-up. I draw with a keyboard and mouse but my computer's not necessarily a normal computer, it's a Windows tablet that's hooked up to a keyboard and my mouse is hooked up to a USB hub that unfortunately is VERY prone to power-surges that just cause me to do stupid shit like double-click accidentally or for the thing to just stop working for a few seconds. This coupled with the fact the coat in the shot is huge and flowing meant a LOT of time was spent getting this right as well as irritation but overall? I'm glad it's done and I don't have to think about this anymore... until I do a shaded version down the line. With that said? I hope you all like this.

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Don't mind all these, these are just so I can spread this out further.
Image size
2365x1328px 282.71 KB
© 2019 - 2025 The-Aspiring-Creator
anonymous's avatar
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RobotHobo64's avatar
A nice job of conveying the more sinister look of Black even thru Shintani's more smoothed-out style.