Name: Faith.
Age: 23
Gender: Female (last I checked)
Species: Humanoid
Hair/eye color: red/blue
Height: Freaking short
Likes: Drawing, writing goofing off, funny people, acting, movies with big explosions/super-heroes/robots/ninjas/witty dialogue.
Dislikes: People who hate on Christians (we're people too)
Fave foods: pizza, seafood and ANYTHING COVERED IN CHOCOLATE! (except nuts)
Current Residence: The moon (0_^)
deviantWEAR sizing preference: meduim
Print preference: I dunno....Big?
Favourite genre of music: Rock, Pop-rock
Favourite style of art: Cartoon n' Comics
Operating System: HUH?
MP3 player of choice: Coby
Shell of choice: don't got one
Wallpaper of choice: Solitaire Theory
Favourite cartoon character: Spider-Man, Tinkerbell, Lumiere, Scooby-Doo, Dr.Mcninja
Personal Quote: "You don't consider being HACKED to death by a crazed ninja exciting?"
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great one!