~~~ A Naturally Born Beauty ~~~ThatOneSpazz on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/thatonespazz/art/A-Naturally-Born-Beauty-453368595ThatOneSpazz

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~~~ A Naturally Born Beauty ~~~



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New upload, yay!
AND as a bonus: It's the first-ever pic I have uploaded of Skullette, full body, in her Dragon State!
:party: :party: :squee: :party: :party:

Hehe but yea, ain't she a pretty girl? X3
This is more or less what Skullette looks like in her true Draconic State. In this pic she looks weird cause she was doing a mid-air twirl/turn so her body is all distorted cause of the angle. Either way I do believe I did well. :aww: Also DAT SKY~
Good god I didn't think mixing blue and light purple would come out so marvelous! Hehe and dose cute little puffy clouds too~
Also: Those weird little dull....Line...Things, are her markings. When she's not freaked out, fighting, angry, or in a better sense stocked up on adrenaline :XD: her markings are a dull, soft grey like that. BUT, if she so chooses (or if any of the upper things mentioned happen XD) her markings will start glowing any color. The glow depends on both her mood, the certain energy types those certain sets of markings take in, and her own energy.
Still...It's damn cool. :XD:

NOTE: She has NOT gotten her markings yet in most cases. This is just a pic to show what she actually looks like "complete" and with her markings. She has not gotten them yet, but that milestone is not too far away, as you'll see. X3

Enjoy the epicness that is Skully in her Dragon State~

Skullette Zamira (c) Me
Art (c) Also me
Image size
3264x2448px 4.19 MB
Canon PowerShot A590 IS
Shutter Speed
1/6 second
Focal Length
6 mm
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© 2014 - 2025 ThatOneSpazz
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HumanityAfter's avatar
Wow! :dummy:
You`re really getting better and better on this, Dawn! :D:D:D:D