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thatangryghost on DeviantArt
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she’s zander’s co-worker! she learns about zander keeping a v large anthropomorphic algae in his apartment when she’s the only one to check on him when he had been missing from work for a week bc of the accident (zander is avoided by most people in or outside of work. he is 6′4′’ (193.0cm), quiet and has a scary face. most think he is a delinquent).
keone is 26 years old. 5′5′’ (165.1cm). she’s calm and very good with people, quick with witty retorts, can read emotions really well, works as the aquariums specialist tour guide. she rly loves magic worms/worms on a string.
zander eventually opens up to keone and they become best friends.
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744x1046px 127.61 KB
© 2016 - 2025 thatangryghost
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