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My Bio

Hello, I'm the author of JWildfire. Here are some links regarding to the project:
- Official site:
- Official forum:
- Facebook users group:
- Google+ group:

Major changes: option to generate z-buffers for regular (non-solid) flames motion-curve-editor: sync animation to multiple frequency-bands of an mp3-song macOS-platform: security scoped bookmarks are used to remember already selected folder-locations Windows-platform: we now have about 660 variations which are supported on GPU Fixed a very old bug that could lead to significant performance degradation: Unicode characters are now handled correctly when loading/saving settings Have fun! :-) Original post:
anonymous's avatar
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After three months of work, I’m glad to release JWildfire V6.00 as another major update. This time, the animation-features where greatly improved: - animation playback and -editing in the main editor is much smoother now, in general the editing gives much for “fluid” feeling - the main editor now supports automatic creation of animation keyframes: you move to a certain frame, change a property, and JWildfire automatically creates a smooth motion curve to interpolate between the values - you may now create mp4-files directly from within JWildfire (without using any other tools). You may even create batches of mp4-files. - support for Intel’s OIDN denoiser as a powerful tool to cut down render times and improve image quality (works simular to NVidia’s OptiX, but does not requiere a GPU from NVidia) But, there are also numerous new non-animation-related improvements, e. g.: - new “RunRandomScript”-random-flame-generator which executes randomly selected scripts from your
anonymous's avatar
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Just released JWildfire V5.60 as another major update.This time, adding support for NVidia’s OptiX denoiser as a powerful tool to cut down render times and improve image quality. (see OptiX denoiser, developed by NVidia, is included in most of the common 3D rendering software like Arnold, Blender, Lightwave. I was enjoying it for a longer time, but did not really think about an integration into JWildfire, because such an integrationg (GPU rendering and Java programs) is always somewhat weak or unstable.But then, user [Phaser Rave] at the JWildfire forum, introduced us to the a command-line ve...
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Profile Comments 513

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Antonino1955's avatar

What a superb gallery and, very much respect for all your many many decisive contribution/ works for MB3D still "alive".

P.s. I replyed to a message/comment (?) you made, as I'm not very fluent in DA... It dissapeared for me, as my answer too, hope you'll get it anyway. I was thanking you.

acidrainbow01's avatar
Congratulations on the new website for mb3d, it looks great! And thank you for all your time, talent and hard work on both mb3d and JWildfire.
thargor6's avatar

Thank you very much! :-)

AkuraPare's avatar
hello andreas,
thank you very much for your continuing efforts to get more and more from the old good mb3d!

can i ask you (programmer looking into mb3d code actively)...
is it possilbe to re-work or better to start new project in case of:

- "only difs" mb3d version with not only 6 formulas in chain?
- mb3d version with not a simple chain of formulas but something like xaos table in apophysis?
- 64-bit external renderer working for old 32-bit mb3d exported data?

sorry, if my questions are silly and yes there is mandelbulber around, i know...

thargor6's avatar

As a general tip: there is already a software which let all your dreams come true, but you must code the formulas by yourself as OSL-shaders. It is called Octane Vectron and costs only about 20 bucks per month. I have started a repo with formulas a while ago:

AkuraPare's avatar

thanks a lot for your feedback and interesting tip, andreas!

octane/vectron looks great but i assume i need more cuda/opencl friendly graphic card... my is > 8 years old and new comp. is too expensive right now to someone paying to give fractal gifts to the others :D

anyway, i downloaded demo of standalone octane to check...

thargor6's avatar