Hello, I'm the author of JWildfire. Here are some links regarding to the project:
- Official site: jwildfire.org/
- Official forum: jwildfire.org/forum/
- Facebook users group: www.facebook.com/groups/JWildf...
- Google+ group: plus.google.com/u/0/communitie...
What a superb gallery and, very much respect for all your many many decisive contribution/ works for MB3D still "alive".
P.s. I replyed to a message/comment (?) you made, as I'm not very fluent in DA... It dissapeared for me, as my answer too, hope you'll get it anyway. I was thanking you.
Thank you very much! :-)
As a general tip: there is already a software which let all your dreams come true, but you must code the formulas by yourself as OSL-shaders. It is called Octane Vectron and costs only about 20 bucks per month. I have started a repo with formulas a while ago: https://github.com/thargor6/FFVectron
thanks a lot for your feedback and interesting tip, andreas!
octane/vectron looks great but i assume i need more cuda/opencl friendly graphic card... my is > 8 years old and new comp. is too expensive right now to someone paying to give fractal gifts to the others
anyway, i downloaded demo of standalone octane to check...
Did it work?