Elizabeth's Undead Revenge 7TFGiver on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tfgiver/art/Elizabeth-s-Undead-Revenge-7-1023331229TFGiver

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Elizabeth's Undead Revenge 7



In the art style of Kenkou Cross's Monster Girl Encyclopedia, the story is about a noble named Elizabeth who was forced to marry another high-ranking noble, Duke Albert in Victorian England. Through their several months together, Albert has been incredibly abusive towards Elizabeth until one day they had a massive argument, making Elizabeth storm out of Albert's manor into the forest in tears. However, Albert had other plans, sick of being married to "this English cow," as he said to Elizabeth, he proceeds to strike Elizabeth down with his sword on horseback. As Elizabeth bleeds out, she thinks back on her horrific time with Albert: murdering her loyal maid and violating her over and over again. Soon, Elizabeth dies, but her death occurs in a sacred place, and of her origins of nobly, something happens. Elizabeth then rises as a wight, a powerful undead with the ability to control hordes of the dead. Confused and shocked at her new form, Elizabeth then vows that Albert will be taught a very hard lesson about abuse and use his status to create her own kingdom of the dead.

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