tf-primeLOVERS's avatar


Years Ago
172 Members173 Watchers


Comments 33

anonymous's avatar
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HellboysLady's avatar
hey hon I helped out on what I could but I think now that I am thinking of leaving I am going to have to back out, you can go look for another person if you like. it was a honor to help you all out!
EnergonMaverick's avatar…  a new Transformers MMO that available for PC players by Hasbro, you should check it out!…
Playstation-Jedi's avatar
Hi there, I have 2 pieces of TF Prime Arcee art work I would like to feature in your gallery. If you could accept it that would be great. :)
HellboysLady's avatar
If you can submit them to the right folder then they will be approved. Thank you. :3
AJsCreativeCorner's avatar
Hi all, as this group is an affiliate to my own group Transformers Forever here on DA, I'd like to extend an invitation for members here to join my forum if they so wish. I have a section especially set aside for those who wish to control and run their own role plays where I will set them up as the sole moderator in their section. You can run more than one RP, and it doesn't have to all be TF related. You don't have to be a DA member to join, or even a TF fan as all are welcome. Also guests cannot view the forum unless they join or members are signed in, so there is some privacy there. Looking forward to seeing some ppl there, link is [link]
tfakairi's avatar
hey hey I just won't to say this
My 16th birthday is on Wednesday