Gadget Hackwrench by JCThorntontetsuwanatom on DeviantArt

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tetsuwanatom's avatar

Gadget Hackwrench by JCThornton



Here is Garnet Hackwrench from Rescue Rangers, this version features:
*Removable goggles.
*Removable top.
*Removable pants.
*Removable undershirt.

If someone tries to make a petty complaint over the preview image, then that person will have the comment flagged as spam and blocked permanently.

I won't tolerate dubious comments like "No" or something alike since I'm not a mind reader to even understand why someone would write such a thing.

If don't like the preview image, then just move on and don't comment.
*Garnet Hackwrench by :iconjcthornton:, conversion by Toshio.
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ikuVici's avatar
Like this :) (Smile)