Speechless Eiren TestyTestyART on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/testyart/art/Speechless-Eiren-Testy-745056115TestyART

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Speechless Eiren Testy



Hello there, everyone!

Here's.. me! But it's not just any me... It's my Eire self! For those of you unaware, Eire is a world created by a friend of mine, Icek00l. To put it briefly, Eire is filled with various creatures, magical powers, otherworldly landscapes and perhaps most importantly, immersive stories! If that sounds interesting, go take a look at Icek00l's profile and come back when you're done! :D

So, on with the description...

Testy is a human/cat hybrid hailing from Northern Altania. His abilities include increased speed, agility and night vision. He also shows affinity towards electrical magic. While Testy is far from a talented mage, he can still use his powers to his advantage.

Under extreme emotions, Testy is able to shift into one of two alternate formes. When ticked off or filled with mischievous thoughts, he gains access to increased control over shadows and darkness, being able to conjure multiple hands made of pure dark energy. When extremely happy of something or thankful to someone, Testy unlocks more powerful healing ablilities and the ability to fly. He is also able to use these abilities in a more neutral mood, albeit to a much lesser extent.

Testy is a very quiet and shy person, preferring to avoid people, especially those he is not familiar with. Though usually very alert, Testy often tends to overanalyze unfamiliar situations, which leaves him quite open in battle. His relatively timid nature is likely due to being a victim of various experiments that took place in a mysterious Altanian lab during his childhood. This is also the cause of his cat-like features and increased magical capabilities.

Alrighty, I think that about does it for now. Thanks for your time and see ya later! :wave:

This drawing was made by me, TestyART. Please do not copy, trace, steal, repost or such without my permission.
Eiren Testy was designed by Icek00l, with some features from my earlier works.
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1600x1600px 213.5 KB
© 2018 - 2025 TestyART
anonymous's avatar
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Mlntl's avatar
Weow! That's a great design! (And I'll check Icek00l's stories right now ~)
I know this isn't related to this at all, but I reaally need help drawing cat muzzles/eyes. No matter how hard I try, it always turns out strange. I hope you can help!