Janie GoldenTessLC1998 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tesslc1998/art/Janie-Golden-756469123TessLC1998

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Janie Golden



This is Jane Golden, more commonly known as Janie, the eldest of the four Golden sisters, and one of the tritagonists in my upcoming Disney series, Disney Adventures.

Story: Janie is a stunningly beautiful 21-year-old woman. She is very much like her mother, that she even convinces her that she can take charge of caring for her younger sisters when they are invited to move to Disney World. Janie even gets a job as a waitress at Jennette's favorite ice cream shop on Main Street in Magic Kingdom, the Plaza Ice Cream Parlor.

Series: Disney Adventures

Inspired by: Mary Poppins
                    Disney Princesses
                    Various Disney Characters

Full Name: Jane Winifred Golden

Other Names: Janie (by everyone)
                       “Mother or Mom” (by Jennette)
                       Sis (by Jennette)
                       Princess Janie

Personality: Kind, loving, attractive, warm, gentle, elegant, maternal, sisterly, brave, romantic, angelic, practical, serious, strict, stern, protective, caring, mature, intelligent, independent, wise, responsible, firm, selfless, graceful, observant, nice, stressed, thoughtful, watchful, tough, optimistic, determined, winsome, a bit perfectionist, blissful, clever, wary, cautious, good-tempered

Appearance: Slender, beautiful, fair skin, pink lips, light brown hair, brown eyes

Birthday: March 11

Age: 21

Occupation: Employee at Plaza Ice Cream Parlor in Magic Kingdom

Home: Brooklyn, New York (formerly)
           Orlando, Florida (currently)

Alignment: Good

Goal: To take care of her family

Favorite Princess: Cinderella

Relatives: Liam (father; deceased), Juliette (mother), Margaret (younger sister), Jennette (younger sister), Emily (younger sister)

Pet(s): Fluffy (kitten)

Allies: Jennette, Sport, Margaret, Emily, Elliott, Anne Marie, Sophia, Corey, Aria, Lauren, David, various Disney Characters

Enemies: Rueben, Keeven, various Disney Villains, Rueben’s men, Stacey, Natalie, Amber, Aria (briefly)

Likes: Her family and friends, Elliott, romance, rules, life in Disney, music, magic, dreams, adventures, singing, dancing, working at Plaza Ice Cream Parlor, Jennette’s stories, having fun, making charts, animals, reading, art, justice, making new friends, making promises, learning new things

Dislikes: Her father being dead, Rueben, Keeven, Villains, Sport and Jennette’s antics, Jennette calling her “Mother”, bullying, Jennette’s rude behavior and cursing, upsetting her sisters, danger, Jennette’s lies, Sport and Jennette eating junk food for breakfast, Sport and Jennette leaving their room a big mess, rudeness

Weapons: Her fists

Quote(s): “Try looking at it another way.”
                “What would you do?”

I own Janie Golden

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© 2018 - 2025 TessLC1998
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