My name is Tess Clune and I'm an illustrator that loves to create characters that are mystical, ethereal and enchanting. Over the years and throughout my childhood, film has played an important role in my artwork. I use a lot of mix media in my pieces. I attended Nova Southeastern University to obtain my fine arts degree in visual art in Fort Lauderdale, FL. I have recently changed my location and direction in life and moved to Nashville, TN. The changing of the seasons and the nature has inspired me and has influenced my recent work. Within the last two years I've been working on an instrumental album that goes with my artwork. I also have been working on illustrating a couple of children's books and a graphic novel. Please enjoy viewing my artwork and let me know what you think by commenting. I will post a detailed description explaining my work in my journal. Thank you again for visiting and viewing my artwork.
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Current Residence: Nashville, TN
Favourite genre of music: New Age, Rock and POP
Favourite photographer: Annie Leobowitz
Favourite style of art: Fantasy, Spiritual Mix Media
Operating System: Microsoft, PC
MP3 player of choice: Sprint Android Phone
Wallpaper of choice: My Artwork
Skin of choice: Portal
Favourite cartoon character: Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Rose, Snow White
Personal Quote: Sometimes you have to leave your comfort zone to pursue your dreams
Happy Awesome Birthday, Wonderful.~
Rock on. See you on reverb nation