Tes92's avatar


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Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
Pride2020: Participated in Pride2020
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
ValentinesDay2021: Participated in Valentine's Day 2021 campaign
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (5)
ArtFortunes: Participated in April Fools' Day 2021
My Bio

Profile drawing made by @Screaming-bat

Dibujante aficionada autodidacta con mucha ilusión, cada vez más motivación y una relación extraña de amor-odio con sus trabajos. Loca como una cabra, que no falte mención.

Self-taught amateur artist with great enthusiasm, more and more motivation and a strange love-hate relationship with her works. Mad as a hatter, do not miss mention.

Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
Fantasía, Sci-Fi, Acción
Favourite TV Shows
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Rock (clásico, alternativo, melódico...)
Favourite Books
Favourite Games
Final Fantasy 9
Favourite Gaming Platform
Play Station
Tools of the Trade
Esto es un aviso cordial a todo aquel que use IAs: Si me sigues, por favor deja de hacerlo; si pretendes hacerlo, por favor no lo hagas. Tengo motivos más que de sobra y justificados para despreciar el uso de IAs generativas, por lo que no quiero tener ningún tipo de relación con ellas. Bastante tengo que soportar que DA las apoye y alimente, y la única razón por la que no me voy es la gente maravillosa que me ha apoyado desde siempre y a la que tanto aprecio. No es nada personal, pero aquel que use IA será bloqueado inmediatamente. Considero que es mi granito de arena contra este despropósito. Muchas gracias.This is a friendly warning to anyone who uses AI: If you follow me, please stop; if you intend to, please don't. I have more than enough and justified reasons to despise the use of generative AI, so I don't want to have any kind of relationship with them. I have enough to put up with DA supporting and feeding them, and the only reason I'm not leaving is the wonderful people who
anonymous's avatar
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I don't know about you, but I curse the damn anxiety very loudly 😒 My boss isn't perfect, I don't think there is such a thing, but the truth is that she has behaved infinitely better than I expected. I'm really angry that I broke down emotionally when I started talking about it, but she has been very understanding about it, and she has kindly advised me to go to the psychologist (which I really should do, although I don't feel ready yet) In any case, we have reached a very good agreement and I only have this week left to finish my stay at this place. I feel sorry, actually. I have met many wonderful people who I will miss very much, and although it is not the position I want in my life, it really wasn't so bad until the manager took over. It wasn't so bad until she arrived and everything went to hell... I'm going to try to rest until they call me from the other place or I start doing something else. Again, thank you so much for your support and kind comments on the previous post. You
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I'm not gone! But almost... I want to apologize especially to those of you who are always so attentive and kind to me. I've been very disconnected from practically everything, and the fact is that real life has taken up almost all of my scarce free time. Not to mention my job... that abusive job that has made me cry so many times... and that I have finally decided to leave. It's not really the position or the place itself, but the current manager is a person who evidently doesn't think highly of me, and she doesn't hesitate to show it. So I've had enough of putting up with anxiety, discomfort, arguments and tears and I've decided to quit and look for something else. I would prefer it to be in the same field, I've already looked at another orthopedics, but if that doesn't work out I'll look for alternatives. I cannot afford to be without a job or a salary, taxes and food are not paid with good intentions, but what I am most afraid of is being stuck and falling into the same depression
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Donation Pool

1 point = 1 hug with tones of love (º3º)/

If you like my art it would be nice if you donated some points of those that you have left and are out there raising dust X3 They would be very welcome :3

113/999 points

Profile Comments 445

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Poohboyfanatic26's avatar

Do you like Winnie the Pooh? If so who's your favorite character and why? Mine is Pooh because he's so cute and funny!

Tes92's avatar

I've never been a big fan, but it's true that it's very adorable :D

I always liked Igor a lot, I thought he was very cute and he was always looking for his tail ^^

Tes92's avatar
CRed1988's avatar

Can you spare some points?

Tes92's avatar

I can spare llamas llama cancan

Yutobital7's avatar

Thanks for the llama and have a great rest of the week! ^^