Strevan PickaxeTerryTibke on DeviantArt

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Strevan Pickaxe



Lines by :iconmoonshaft:
Colors by :iconaun61:

A stout human, Strevan is somewhat shy and it takes him a bit to warm up to people. He has a great appetite and is an excellent shot with his longbow. He is a Ranger of Ys and accompanies Turim with his fellow rangers and friends: Tartara Silverwing and Jaffrine Maplebow.

Throughout the story, we see Strevan grow more and more fond of Turim. He admires him, and though he doesn’t say a lot, you can tell from what he does say that he respects him a great deal because he really does start to open up after a while. We also find out that Strevan has the heart of a poet, and has written several songs and poems. In Strevan’s past, he had a rather terrifying experience when he first became a ranger, but I’ll let you read about that. I will tell you that it helped shape him though, and put the desire in him to watch out for the underdog, along with giving him a good deal of respect for elves; probably a good part of the reason he admires Turim.

Turim meets Strevan and the other Rangers of Ys when first landing on the island of Ys.
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© 2009 - 2025 TerryTibke
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I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove your game terra monsters on kongregate!