Me - Terry Tibke.
Current Residence: AZ
Favourite genre of music: trance
Favourite photographer: WHAT?!?!
Favourite style of art: fantasy/anime hybrid
Favourite cartoon character: The Whole Ang Gang
Personal Quote: The art of art, is perception of life.
Impressive Fakemon you've created. You're not bad. Still you need to reorganize your galleries on the right genres or concepts they're a part of and complete the Pokédexes on which region is first second and third gen. But otherwise they're good quality designs.
hello, i am making an original pokedex fic (basically i expand the entries from a few sentences to a few paragraphs) and i would really like to use your fakemon. is that ok? i would credit you
Expand on Pokédex entries? Sure w credit, go ahead.
thanks. of course i will credit you.
You have been invited to the Zound region!
So when your ready pack your bags and get on the Lapras express!