[CLOSED] Adopt Auction - AireTerriniss on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/terriniss/art/CLOSED-Adopt-Auction-Aire-851505641Terriniss

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Terriniss's avatar

[CLOSED] Adopt Auction - Aire



Bullet; Green End auction: 48h after last bid.Bullet; Green 

Star! The winner receives a full-size image, also versions without a name and without background.
If the creature has several forms, the buyer will receive each of them in a separate file on a transparent background. 

Star! I can change the text or name in connection with the buyer request

Point Right  If you pay points, use the purchase button, please. I will include it for you after the end of the auction.
Point Right  If you pay USD makes it through Paypal.

SB: 3.000Points / $30 USD
MI: 200Points   / $2 USD
AB: 7.000Points / $70 USD

100Points  = 1$ 


Bullet; Red Serious bidders only, please! No fake bids, no holds: don't bid what you cannot afford or pay when the auction ends.
Bullet; Red Payment must be done within 2-3 days. If not, I'll open it again Worried 

Auction will be held simultaneously on the DA and FA -
Image size
1200x866px 786.86 KB
© 2020 - 2025 Terriniss
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upsidedownweirdo's avatar

how do you make such beautiful art?MLP Emote Princess Luna Cute Face