Terrier-Love's avatar


Years Ago
284 Members227 Watchers

Comments 57

anonymous's avatar
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drawman61's avatar
Thank you for featuring my pic. It's my pleasure.
ZinaZoo's avatar
Why can't we post in the "Breeds N-W" folder??
mathurin99's avatar
Thank you all for accepting me and my buds - BB and Hobbes my Bostons. They are 8 years old, brother-sister same litter!
PauLeeW's avatar
Thanx for accepting me :-)
christafinias's avatar
Thanks for accepting :)
Copper-Viper's avatar
Hello, I was wondering if you would like to affiliate with my group, #Airedale-Terrier?
ElocinImages's avatar
Hi again everyone!

Please head on over and vote for my Bully boy Yaga to win the Shoot-Ya-Pooch Pet Photography coverdog competition and help get a bully in the spotlight for all the right reasons :). There's only 6.5 hours left to keep him in front, and the German Shepherd is fast closing the gap!

To vote, just click on the link below and hit LIKE on his photo. Thank you so much everyone!
