ME: Drell SentinelTerralynde on DeviantArt

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ME: Drell Sentinel



[edit] Minor color alteration made, fixed his legs so they don't look so wonky to me.
Another character of mine for MEU RP, Theos Kul a Drell Sentinel. Bit of a punk, lacks the ability to /not/ say precisely what he's thinking. Utterly useless at ranged combat, but in close-quarters he puts up one hell of a fight.

Drell are fun to draw.

Mass Effect (c) Bioware, of course.
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© 2010 - 2025 Terralynde
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kaylacshoopy's avatar
Hello, I wanted to let you know that I saw you art being used on Facebook for a roleplay account.

The account has other stolen art from other artists, and I'm pretty sure they are using it without your permission.


you can file a copyright infringement report and have it removed--if you need help with this I can walk you through the process, as i've been having to do it constantly lately.