
My friends....

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terandir's avatar

Literature Text

To you I say thanks.
You give me form, shape and substance...

My life is nothing but an echo,
A fragment of something long gone, bouncing off the walls of reality...

Faded glories ringing out,
Triumphs and tragedies of my past lives left for people to guess at...

You who care about me hear these echoes.
You shape them; make them, until they are something solid, until they are me...

This life, my last one, is nothing but the final repetition of the pantomime,
The final time I am cast in this play....

A piece of soul lost in every life, left to wait on the other side,
Until nothing remains here...

This vessel was granted the merest essence at its conception,
Most of that was stripped when I fell into darkness through my own actions....

So what remains is next to nothing.

Then people find me, find this husk and care for it,
They lift me up and carry me when I can't walk...

You give of yourselves unthinkingly towards me, regardless of my history,
You care when you shouldn't...

You fill the void in my heart with love and understanding,
You fill my mind with light...

The darkness exists within me; it will do so until I die,
But you give me hope and strength to stand and fight it...

To you all I owe my life, my happiness and future
To you all I owe a debt un repayable...

So I dedicate my life to you all,
A warrior's oathe, held until death...

Your hardships are mine, your worries my own
I will carry your burdens for you...

I love you all
ive been feeling a bit meh recently,because i miss my friends a lot. so i wrote this. i know its soppy and some of you wont believe it,but i had to.

i dont own my life. i forfeited it a long time agao. i owe my life currently to my freinds and my fiancee kim. i love her with all my heart and soul,and i love you guys to. i would do anything for you,if you just ask,if i se eyou hurtin,im gonna steam in and try and help,regardless of what may happen.

you guys all are amazing and i dedicate this to all of you and i thank you so much for making mylife what it is right now.

and im sorry for writing bad poetry to try and say this lol
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Paranoidelusion's avatar
Awwh Iainface that's so awesome ^o^, It touched and made me feel all fuzzy :3 We loves you too!!