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Literature Text

Beep...Beep... Beep...

The woman lies in her bed asleep. the curtains are undrawn, the moonlight painting her skin a pale white, and giving the whole room a silver glow.  The window is open, a slight breeze is playing its way across her face, gently moving her hair, she stirs, rolls over and goes back to sleep. Her face is drawn, as if her sleep is troubled

“Too many worries” he thinks "one less thing to worry about soon,at least". She is the vision of beauty to him,perfect in every way,even more so at this moment

He stands watching her sleep. He’s watching so intently, as if he is trying to burn every detail of her sleeping form into his mind, to capture every detail of this moment, so that he doesn’t ever forget.

He doesn’t want to wake her up, but he knows he has little choice, time is short, he must go soon.

He sits down carefully on the bed and strokes her face gently.

“Sarah”, the man whispers, she stirs, hearing his voice, he whispers again “Sarah... wake up my love...”

She wakes, her eyes opening slowly, her eyes alight on him, then focus, the look of she starts. “David!”  she exclaims. A look of confusion crosses her face. “ are you here? I thought- i mean, you’re- how did you-“

“Shhh” he whispers. “I have to leave soon, I don’t have much time before i go, but I had to say goodbye to you, one last time, before I left” he smiles sadly as he talks, the woman is even more confused

“Go? What-what do you mean?”

“You know what I mean, my love, you knew this was coming and now it’s come” David says.

A look of fear crosses the woman’s face, she sits up and reaches for him, burying her head against his chest, she starts to cry “no! No, please no, don’t go! I love you! I don’t want you to leave me!” she beats her fists against his chest “no! I won’t let you go! I won’t let you leave!” she breaks down crying her wails turning into sobs.

He sits there through this and lets her hit him, he simply puts his arms around her and whispers into her ear, trying to calm her down. “I’m sorry, Sarah, I’m so sorry. But i have no choice. It’s just time for me to leave. I don’t want to, but i have to”

“I love you David, I can’t be without you” Sarah sobs.

“I love you to Sarah, that’s why I’ve come to say goodbye and that’s why I’m going to tell you this; move on”

“No!, please!” she shouts, wrapping her arms around his chest  and holding on as if she will never let go.

“You have to Sarah. You have to move on for me, and I know you will. I love you and I will never forget you, I promise you that, but I’m going and I don’t want you to waste your life mourning me being gone. I need you to move on, find someone else and live a happy life, because you’re too good a person to spend your life missing me” he tells her, cradling her head and rocking gently.

“but I’ll never meet anyone like you, you’re my soul mate” she says, through gasps

“You will, I know you will and when you do you’re going to fall in love with that person and live happily ever after, I know it” he assurers her.

They stay like that for what seems like hours to the both of them, him stroking her hair, her sobs gradually fading. All you can hear in the room is the sound of their breathing, both breathing at the same time as each other, with each other, inhaling the scent of each other, lest they forget it.

Beep... beep... beep...

David looks up, as if listening to something she looks up and her look into her eyes, they both realise these are their last moments together.
“i have to go” he tells her”

She nods, knowing, but not letting go, she rises with him not wanting to lose that touch, that smell, not wanting to be parted from the man she loves with all her heart.

He looks her in the eyes, those beautiful green eyes, blue green, the colour of a placid rock pool, she stares right back into those deep blue eyes of his, the dark blue of the deepest ocean. He strokes her face.

“Love me, miss me, mourn me, but move on from me. Find yourself another man, and when you do, feel no guilt in loving him, because I will be happy you do and I hope he can give you all the things I never could, all the love, respect, peace of mind and understanding, that I was neglect in giving” he tells her , tears rolling down his cheeks “I’m sorry, my love, my soul mate, for every time I hurt you, for every time I upset you. Forgive me”

“there’s nothing to forgive, I love you and always will, I will never forget you, I hope that, wherever you go, you find the peace that always eluded you here” she replies

They kiss. One last, long, passionate kiss.

“Goodbye” he tells her and kisses her on the forehead, tears rolling still rolling freely down his face.


The phone’s beeping wake her up, they bought it a long time ago, kept it because the funny ring made them both laugh. She doesn’t answer it. She knows who it is. It’s the hospital ringing to tell her that her husband is dead.
slightly off tack from my other stuff lol. i just really wanted to write something like this. just felt like writing it, so i did. :) see? i can do sensitive, not very well,mind, but i can do it :P

note this has nothing to do with my War of the Isles stuff(maybe, i havent decided yet, but for the moment it doesnt) which can be found here:[link] and here:[link]
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Only thing... not Only think... Damn lack of edit button!