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TMT Cosplay
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2 min read
Sunday was an wonderful day :)
I was on the Dojaku in Dortmund wearing my Sebastian Cosplay for the first time [animexx.onlinewelten.com/cospl… and must say, I'm not a great Sebatian but I'm okay :D And it was very funny, because I meet Laura again, and now we are in peace... Well we had a very big argument... but now she is MY Grell... I don't now how she thinks, but I really like her Grell Cosplay and I hope it's okay if I call her "mine". Here is her cosplay animexx.onlinewelten.com/cospl….
I know we both are not perfect, but we try to get better and we have a lot of FANTASY and are a little optimistic so, what should went wrong?

I'm so sorry for the terrible english~

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Valentine's Day

1 min read
It was the terriblest Valentine's Day I ever had,
well I'm in love with her, but we just had arguments and that is not really lovely.
I really hope we can conclude peace, and meet at the 25. of february...
I don't know what I should do without her, but my fear to lose her may be the reason why I would lose her.
I'm so confused...

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Japan-Day 2012

1 min read
Oh I am sooooo happy :)
my cosplay-group for the j-day grows :D

Prince Zuko (Book Fire) - me
Princess Azula (Book Fire) - my little sister <'3
Katara (Book Fire) - Mina
Sokka (Book Fire) - Michael
Toph (Book Fire) - (oh no... no "m") Laura
maybe: Iroh (Book Fire) - Lui

when someone came to the jday 2O12 and like to cosplay a character from "Avatar the last Airbender, and don't have a group, you can join us ;D

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When a boy allway smiles at you.
Allways laught with you, you think you're someone special.
But than...
You see that he is like that to all girls.
You realize that you are not spezail.
You are just a girl.
So... What to do now?


The only good thing, what happend is, that my Misaki (junju romantica) wig is now there <'3 my cos is ready!

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New :3

1 min read
So... Now I am here on deviantART :D
Mh... My English isn't the best, because I'm German ;)

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Kuroshitsuji by Tenshiii3, journal

Valentine's Day by Tenshiii3, journal

Japan-Day 2012 by Tenshiii3, journal

Someone like you ''3 by Tenshiii3, journal

New :3 by Tenshiii3, journal