teneji-club's avatar


Tenten & Neji FC
Years Ago
300 Members377 Watchers

Comments 238

anonymous's avatar
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JuPMod's avatar

Check out this cool Tenten video created by the people of Naruto Mobile! This is what Tenten should had been displayed as a kunoichi in the anime. :)

babaengecchi's avatar
"eat this and bucker up,we're in big trouble"
-ten ten feeds neji the curry of life-
Studios-Of-White's avatar
hi! sorry for this but my friend drew a wonderful NejiTen picture [link] so if you have time please do take a look (: thank you
KiterieAine's avatar
You are welcome to submit it to the group, just make sure you submit it to the right folder.
pantheon9000's avatar
Just thought you'd like to know your group has been included as part of the Naruto Grouple

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Xavren's avatar
Would like to joi but it won't let me.