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Rhinoceros-like animal with chamelion-like eyes, tentacles with soft pincers, and a large proboscis acting as an anterior leg.
A multi-footed arthropod/vertebrate hybrid which carries a dorsal shield to protect its gills from radiation.
A tri-radial octopus-like animal with breathing/vocalization tubes, net-like endoskeleton, and elaborately colored scales.
A space-dwelling echinoderm-like animal with a physiology based on plasma woven into a mesh of dust.
Large slug-like animal with an extendable proboscis, which in turn can extend a ring of leech-like suckers. The entire dorsal skin of the main body act as one single eye, with the ’pupil’ being arranged in almost any size or position as needed.
A massive sessile predator that attaches between tree trunks uses chromatophores to disguise itself as a fruit, burl, or foliage.
Rhinoceros-like animal with chamelion-like eyes, tentacles with soft pincers, and a large proboscis acting as an anterior leg.
A multi-footed arthropod/vertebrate hybrid which carries a dorsal shield to protect its gills from radiation.
A tri-radial octopus-like animal with breathing/vocalization tubes, net-like endoskeleton, and elaborately colored scales.
A space-dwelling echinoderm-like animal with a physiology based on plasma woven into a mesh of dust.
Large slug-like animal with an extendable proboscis, which in turn can extend a ring of leech-like suckers. The entire dorsal skin of the main body act as one single eye, with the ’pupil’ being arranged in almost any size or position as needed.
A massive sessile predator that attaches between tree trunks uses chromatophores to disguise itself as a fruit, burl, or foliage.
Image size
1487x714px 219.87 KB
CanoScan LiDE 210
© 2019 - 2025 Tektalox
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I like the multi-footed arthropod.