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Even though the television show Firefly only aired for 1 season in 2002, it is mourned by fans till this day. The space-western comedy-drama featuring a renegade crew of misfits who raided to the ends of the universe in their spaceship, Serenity, and called it an honest day’s work, was quick to steal many a viewer’s heart.
Creator Joss Whedon drew inspiration from many sources for the show. Inspiration for the Firefly world was even found in Michael Shaara’s Pulitzer Prize-winning American Civil War novel, The Killer Angels. There were many quirks built into this new world, one of which was the introduction of a fusion of Western and East Asian culture and the use of the Chinese language along with made up “shiny” slang to bypass all those "gorram" censors.
I Love My Captain
The character of Mal was heavily influenced by none other than Han Solo from Star Wars and if you look closely you are sure to see a miniature Han Solo encased in carbonite in the background scenes of every episode.
Considered by many as one of the greatest sci-fi shows of all time, the outpouring of love continues through the continual stream of fan art dedicated to both the show and it’s wrap up movie, Serenity.
Grab your brown coat and hop the nearest ship as we go ‘round the ‘verse in search of the best Firefly fan art!
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Your Thoughts
- Who is your favorite Firefly character and why?
- What would you like to see in future editions of Fan Art Friday?