
Omega Disc Squadron Omegaman - Chapter 32

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Disclaimer: This Goes Out to my Friends, @JCFanfics and @Eli-J-Brony - I Hope they Enjoy this as it's My First Legit Animal Squadron Series and Make pics based on this Series

"Disc Mission 032 - Ranger Versus Ranger"

(The Story Begins with Footage from the Last Episode Playing as The Beta Team Just Got Their Butts Kicked by The Disknight Experiment, and Omega Force Robo seperates Into It's Components after Being Defeated, Again)

Peggy Nekoyama/Omegaman Yellow: What the What, This Disknight has A Lot of Safes! (The Experiment returns to it's Regular Size)

Rachel Moonflower/Omegaman Blue: It Seems that This One isn't Fully At it's Natural State!

General Ovi: Confound It All, You Managed to Break Down after Getting to the Good Part?, and After i Managed to Control the Discshard Pieces' Power As Well, I Guess i Added to Many Safes on You

Ryuki Skybolt/Omegaman Red: That's Fine with Us, Because We'll be the Ones who'll Take All Those Discshard Pieces!

General Ovi: Oh, Lookie Here, It's the Alpha Team (Ryuki and his Team Begin Clashing with General Ovi and Her Disknight Experiment, While Drago Manages to Watch the Fight in Action)

Rachel Moonflower/Omegaman Blue: I Believe this is A Good Time to Take Those 5 Discshard Pieces!

Peggy Nekoyama/Omegaman Yellow: I'm Going in, Rach! (Gets Out her Disc Phone) ...Disc Seal Unlock!

Disc Phone: Disc Code - 4, 1, 0, ERROR, ERROR!

Peggy Nekoyama/Omegaman Yellow: Hey, What Gives, It Wasn't A Gold Disknight Safe!

Drago Silverfang: ...The Safe will Not Open?, Meaning All 5 Safes Are Linked Together!? (The Experiment does Major Damage to Peggy and Rachel)

Peggy Nekoyama/Omegaman Yellow: (While On Fire) Oh My Gosh, That is Indeed Hot! (Ryuki sets the Owl Disc to his Omega Disc Changer, And Spins it)

Omega Disc Changer: Owl - Beta Boost Mode!!! (Ryuki is now Equipped with An Bronze Armor, While Holding a Crossbow, and Fires the Water Arrow to Dowse the Fire on Peggy and Rachel)

Peggy Nekoyama/Omegaman Yellow: Ah, Finally, The Fire is Out!

General Ovi: Hey, Omegaman Red!

Ryuki Skybolt/Omegaman Red: Huh?

General Ovi: It Seems that You Have Managed to Entertain Me

Ryuki Skybolt/Omegaman Red: ...Still, You're Very Creepy! (Fires the Arrows at Ovi, But Misses, And Presents the Binocular Discshard Piece)

Drago Silverfang: (Gasps) The Binocular Discshard Piece, So She Has It!, ...Everyone, Fall Back for Now, I'll Explain the Situation, Later! (Drago makes a Bright Light, and The Alpha Team is Gone)

General Ovi: ...Well, That Sucked, And it Was Getting Interesting, Too, But it Doesn't Matter, Let's Take You to my Lab, and Tweak You Up a Bit! (Leaves with her Experiment)

(Later, Back at the Beta Team's HQ At Night...)

Betacoon: (Doing Analysis on the Disknight Experiment) I Dunno About You, But this Disknight Might be Several Disknights Melded Together.


Betacoon: ...And in Case You All Don't Know, Commander Beta has Gone to Our French Division in Order to Learn How to Defeat the Disknight

Alex Leafstorm: Do you Think There is Something we Can Do, Together, Ryuko?

Ryuko Skybolt: I Know the Sitch, Alex, There's No Need to Tell Me Twice

(Meanwhile, at the Alpha Team's Cafe...)

Peggy Nekoyama: So, Wait, That Disknight that We Fought was an Experiment by General Ovi?

Rachel Moonflower: I Wonder Why are Disc Phones wern't Able to Break the Safe?, Unlike the Gold Safe.

Drago Silverfang: ...Well, According to the Data on my Device, It Appears that the Disc Codes are Linked Together, At the Same Time, meaning All 5 Disknight Safes need to be Open at the Same Time

Ryuki Skybolt: All 5 Safes at the Same Time, Are you Pulling My Tail!?

Peggy Nekoyama: This is Giving Me Too Much Anxeity, What should We Do!?, There are Only Four Alpha Team Members in this Building!, ...Wait a Sec, How About we Get Commander Alpha to Help Us Out with this Dilemma

Rachel Moonflower: If You Ask Me, Peggy, Commander Alpha is Out of the Question

Ryuki Skybolt: I'm Thinking that If We Split into Three Members, Then We'll Be Six Members, Are you Ready for that When that Comes, Kuji?

Peggy Nekoyama: I Hope that's A Yes

KujiCarrier: Well, To be Honest, Guys, That is Kinda Impossible

Drago Silverfang: According to What Kuji Said, The Disknight Experiment has the Pirate Cellphone Discshard Piece, Meaning it Has the Power to Cancel Out Kuji's Power

KujiCarrier: And if You Do Not take the Pirate Discshard Piece Out of that Safe, Then I Can not Use my Powers

Ryuki Skybolt: Are you Kidding Me?, Talk About Lame.

Drago Silverfang: But Don't Worry, Guys, I'm Sure that We can Get One more Person to Help Us Out

Peggy Nekoyama: I Call Dibs on Commander Alpha Helping Us!

Rachel Moonflower: Not a Chance, Peggy

Drago Silverfang: ...Still, I Think I Have an Idea that can Help

(Later, Back at the Beta Team's HQ...)

Ryuko Skybolt: You want Us to Help the Alpha Team in this Battle!?, That Better be a Joke, Why Should the Awesome Beta Team help the Jerks like the Shallow and Idiotic Alpha Team!?

Betacoon: Yeah


Drago Silverfang: Aw, Come On, Guys, Don't Be like That, Besides, I'm Sure that If We do Some Kind of Proposal, We could Get Along, Besides, If we Help the Alpha Team, We can Get those 5 Safes on the Disknight Experiment to Open, So we Can Obtain the Discshard Pieces, And After that, We can Destroy Him, Just like How We Dealt with Kaiser Leo (A Flashback from Episode 25 Plays)

Ryuko Skybolt/Omegaman Black: Come on, Bro, Do It, Get the Discshard Piece!

Ryuki and Drago: Your Discshard Piece is Ours! (The Flashback ends)

Alex Leafstorm: I Understand

Ryuko Skybolt: Don't Pay Heed to This, Back Then, We had to Take Out the Discshard Piece with the Healing Capabilities, In Order to Defeat Kaiser Leo

Drago Silverfang: But Are we In Kinda the Same Situation, Now?, Because You cannot Use KujiCarrier's Power at the Moment, Too

Ryuko Skybolt: IT'S NOT THE SAME!!!, ...I Promise You that We Will Find a Way to Defeat it, Drago!

Drago Silverfang: Seriously, Ryuko, Why are You Always Against Helping The Alpha Team?

Ryuko Skybolt: Don't You Get the Picture, How Many Times have You See the Alpha Team let a Disknight Get Away, Even if They are Mainly After their Discshard Piece, HOW MANY MORE DAMAGE HAS THAT CAUSED US!?, ...And You Want a Superior Team to Copy their Mistake?


Drago Silverfang: Okay, I Understand your Pain, Ryuko, But it Seems that Having a Talking about This with You Further is Getting Pointless, ...Ryuko Skybolt, Even if You Won't Help the Alpha Team Out, I Challenge You to a Duel!

Alex and Lynxtron: A DUEL!?

Betacoon: What the What!?

Drago Silverfang: ...And Here are the Terms, If I Win the Duel, You will Help Me and the Alpha Team to Retrieve those 5 Discshard Pieces, Along with Destroying the Disknight Experiment

Ryuko Skybolt: Sorry, But i Refuse, This is No Time for A Duel

Drago Silverfang: But if You Win the Duel, The Alpha Team and I, ...Will Surrender our Duties to You.

Ryuko Skybolt: What did you Say?

Drago Silverfang: You Cannot Defeat that Disknight without the Alpha Team's Equipment and Skills, Likewise, Just like How You Can't Use Kuji, They Cannot Open the Safes, ...This is How Serious the Alpha Team and I Are (We Cut to Drago Discussing with the Alpha Team About the Duel)

Rachel Moonflower: So, You're Having a Duel with Ryuko, Now, Talk About Classic

Ryuki Skybolt: Well, My Sis is Not the Type to Deal with Situations by Talking

Peggy Nekoyama: But About Drago, Will He Be Okay? (We cut to a Quick Flashback before Drago went the To the Beta Team)

Drago Silverfang: I Doubt that Ryuko will be Able to Agree with this, So I Guess that We have To Put Ourselves on the Line as Well

Peggy Nekoyama: Put What on the Line?

Drago Silverfang: ...We will Stick Out our Own Necks for This (The Flashback Ends)

Peggy Nekoyama: But if Drago does Lose the Duel, Will We Really Give our Duties to the Beta Team and Work for Them?

Rachel Moonflower: Well, If We cannot Open that Disknight's Safes, We are Good as Screwed, Anyway

Peggy Nekoyama: Well, That is True, Rach, But what About Alex or Lynxtron?

Ryuki Skybolt: Those won't Do, If We want to Talk to One of Them, I Think Ryuko is Our Best Bet

(Meanwhile, At the Disknight's Lair...)

General Ovi: ...Ah, Emperor Tyran, I Wonder what Brings You to My Lab in Such a Rush?

Emperor Tyran: I See that You Have Completed the Finishing Touches

General Ovi: (Laughs) Well, He is Almost Ready, And Once the Final Modification is Done, The Mobian World will be On the Brink of Extinction, And it will Be All Thanks to the Discshard Pieces that You Gave Me, Tyran

General Dilopho: ...So, Ovi Thinks that A Monster like That can Take Down the World in One Sweep?

Fliqpy: Well, Ovi does Have her Reasons, Big Guy

(Meanwhile, Back at the Beta Team's HQ...)

Alex Leafstorm: ...Hey, Lynxtron, Who do You Think is the Right One, Ryuko or Drago?


Alex Leafstorm: What?


(We now See Ryuko and Drago Arriving in a Cave in North Mobius)

Ryuko Skybolt: (Voice Only) The Power that I Have with Me, Must be Used to Protect Everyone's Peace and Their Safety

Drago Silverfang: (Voice Only) Ryuko Skybolt, I Cannot Afford Losing to You.

Ryuko Skybolt: ...Okay, Drago, Let's Settle this Like True Mobians, That Means we Musn't Hold Back.

Drago Silverfang: Fine By Me, Otherwise Their Would be No Point to Have this Duel (Ryuko Sets her Disc to Her Omega Disc Changer)

Omega Disc Changer: "In a Subaru Kimura-Like Voice) Condor (Ryuko Enters her Transformation Pose)

Ryuko Skybolt: Omega Change!!! (Ryuko Spin Her Disc and Undergos her Transformation into a Sentai-Like Ranger Hero, While Drago sets His Disc)

Omega Liner Blaster: (In a Suburu Kimura-Like Voice) Dragon! (Does a Kamen Rider Glare-Like Loop)

Drago Silverfang: Omega Change - Dual Power Silver!!! (Fires his Blaster, and Becomes a Silver Omegaman, Along with Commencing His Duel with Ryuko to Clash with Each Other, While do a Lot of Serious Moves on Each Other)

Ryuko Skybolt/Omegaman Black: Our Mission to Quickly Defeat and Exterminate the Disknights, ASAP, That will Make Us Reach our Goal for The Future! (Knocks Drago's Blaster out his Hand)

Drago Silverfang/Omegaman Silver: No, That is Not True, You can Protect the Peace and The Lives of the Civillians While Helping the Alpha Team Gather the Discshard Pieces! (Knocks Ryuko's Blaster out her Hand, But back in Ovi's Lab the Experiment is Ready)

General Ovi: Adjustments Are Complete, ...Now, My Pet, Go Off and Destroy Everything in your Path! (Betacoon gets the Disknight's Pressence)

Betacoon: The Disknight has Been Spotted in North Mobius, Again!


Alex Leafstorm: Got It! (Leaves with Lynxtron, While we Cut Back to the Duel)

Ryuko Skybolt: ...The Alpha Team and Beta Team Cannot Co-Exist!

Drago Silverfang: It Does Not Matter if You Can or Can't, Something Must be Done about this Matter, ...Unlike You and Your Brother, This is The Path that I Have Chosen! (We cut to the Disknight Unleashing Chaos in the City)

Alex Leafstorm/Omegaman Green: Hold It Right There, Disknight! (Arrives with Lynxtron)

Lynxtron/Omegaman Pink: IN THE NAME OF THE BETA TEAM, YOU ARE UNDER ARREST! (They begin Fighting it, But Thanks to the Discshard Pieces, The Experiment makes Short Work out of Them)

Peggy Nekoyama: Oh my Gosh, This is Bad, Like Real Bad!

Rachel Moonflower: It's Way too Strong unlike Before!

Ryuki Skybolt: I Know it's Not Nice to Watch It Own Them, But we Must Something About it! (Ryuki, Rachel and Peggy set their Discs onto Their Omega Disc Changer)

Omega Disc Changer: (In a Subaru Kimura-Like Voice) Eagle, Wolf, Cat! (Ryuki and his Team Enter their Transformation Pose)

Ryuki, Rachel, and Peggy: Omega Change!!! (They Spin their Discs and Undergo their Transformation into Sentai-Like Ranger Heroes)

Ryuki Skybolt/Omegaman Red: ...The Dashing Warrior with The Speed of an Eagle, Omegaman Red!

Rachel Moonflower/Omegaman Blue: The Strong Warrior with The Ferociousness of an Wolf, Omegaman Blue!

Peggy Nekoyama/Omegaman Yellow: The Technical Warrior with The Kindness of A Cat, Omegaman Yellow!

Ryuki Skybolt/Omegaman Red: We are the Alpha Team of North Mobius, Omega Disc Squadron...

Ryuki, Rachel, and Peggy: Omegaman!!! (They Begin Fighting the Disknight)

(Intermission Bumper: Ryuki, Rachel, Peggy, Alex, Lynxtron, Ryuko and Drago)

(As we're Now in the Second Half of the Episode, We are now Back at the Duel, Even if It's Almost Done)

Drago Silverfang/Omegaman Silver: ...We will Get Back All of the Discshard Pieces, and Revive Those who Are Dear to Us, Along with Defeating the Disknights, and Bring a Future with Peace!

Ryuko Skybolt/Omegaman Black: ...Wait, Revive those who are Dear to You?

Ryuki Skybolt/Omegaman Red (Voice Only): We're Walking Down this Path because We don't Have A Choice, and Who Cares what You Think and Say!

Drago Silverfang/Omegaman Silver: (Performs his Finisher) ...And i Am Not Going to Give Up Either of Those! (Drago unleashes his Finisher, While We Cut Back to Ryuki and His Team Facing the Disknight, But It Does Major Damage to All Five Rangers)

Ryuki Skybolt/Omegaman Red: Holy Crap, It is More Stronger than I Imagined!

Alex Leafstorm/Omegaman Green: If we Keep This Up... (The Disknight Prepares his Powerful Attack, But Suddenly, It Takes Damage from Two Familliar Rangers)

Ryuki Skybolt/Omegaman Red: Drago!

Lynxtron/Omegaman Pink: RYUKO!

Peggy Nekoyama.Omegaman Yellow: Wait, Who was the One who Won the Duel?

Drago Silverfang/Omegaman Silver: ...It does Not Matter, Let's Crack those Safes on it's Body!

Ryuko Skybolt/Omegaman Black: As a One-Off, ...I will Not Arrest You Guys.

Drago Silverfang/Omegaman Silver: Oui.

Ryuki Skybolt/Omegaman Red: ...Hey, Catch! (Gives Ryuko a Spare Disc Phone)

Ryuko Skybolt/Omegaman Black: Are you Sure this is a Good Idea?

Ryuki Skybolt/Omegaman Red: Well, You Wouldn't Be A Bad Sport, Right, Sis?

Drago Silverfang/Omegaman Silver: ...Let's Go, Guys! (The Alpha Team makes their Move with Drago and Ryuko and Head to the Safe, While Enduring the Disknight's Attacks)

Ryuko Skybolt/Omegaman Black: Lynxtron, Alex, Back us Up!

Alex and Lynxtron: On it! (They Fire at the Glass, While Ryuki, Ryuko, Rachel, Peggy, and Drago get their Disc Phones, Ready)

Ryuki, Ryuko, Rachel, Peggy, and Drago: Disc Seal - Multi Unlock!!!

Disc Phone: Disc Code - 1, 1, 2, ...4, 0, 8, ...9, 1, 9, ...8, 3, 0, ...4, 1, 0!

Ryuki Skybolt/Omegaman Red: It Worked! (Ryuki, Ryuko, Rachel, Peggy, and Drago Type in the Codes, and Get the Discshard Pieces from the Experiment, and Do Damage to the Disknight)

Peggy Nekoyama/Omegaman Yellow: Well, Look at that, We Did It!

Drago Silverfang/Omegaman Silver: Yeah!

Ryuko Skybolt/Omegaman Black: ...Happy Now?, Here (Ryuko gives Drago the Magic Cellphone Discshard Piece)

Drago Silverfang/Omegaman Silver: Merci.

Ryuko Skybolt/Omegaman Black: ...Now That i've Helped you Out!

Drago Silverfang/Omegaman Silver: Yeah!

Ryuki Skybolt/Omegaman Red: As a One-Off (Ryuki as his Team Set the Auxillary Omega Disc to their Changers And Gain Armor, While Drago Becomes Omegaman Gold)

Drago Silverfang/Omegaman Gold: Good Luck, Kuji!

KujiCarrier: Yeah! (Ryuko sets Him to her Blaster, And as She Becomes Omegaman Fusion - Beta, They Unleash their Finisher on the Disknight to Destroy It)

General Ovi: ...I Cannot Belive they Destroyed my Pet, But No Matter, I Will Nurse It Back to Health! (Revives the Disknight Experiment as The Sun Vulcan Giant Monster Theme Plays)

Drago Silverfang: And it Looks Like It got Serious

KujiCarrier: Everyone, It's Time, We Must All Fuse Together, Again! (Ryuko Activates Kuji's Vehicle Function, While All of the Omegaman Call Their Vehicles)

Ryuki Skybolt/Omegaman Red: Red Eagle Jet!!! (Hops in it)

Rachel Moonflower/Omegaman Blue: Blue Wolf Crawler!!! (Hops in it)

Peggy Nekoyama/Omegaman Yellow: Yellow Cat Crawler!!! (Hops in it)

Ryuko Skybolt/Omegaman Black: Black Condor Jet!!! (Hops in it)

Alex Leafstorm/Omegaman Green: Green Bear Crawler!!! (Hops in it)

Lynxtron/Omegaman Pink: PINK LYNX CRAWLER!!! (Hops in it)

Drago Silverfang/Omegaman Silver: Dragon Omega Liner, Komodo Omega Liner, Depart! (Hops in it)

Ryuki, Rachel, Peggy, Alex, Lynxtron, Ryuko, and Drago: ...OMEGA DISC FUSION - GRAND OMEGA UNION!!! (All Of the Omega Disc Vehicles and All of Drago's Omega Liners Begin Combining with KujiCarrier, and Start Forming a Robot based on Good Cool Kaiser VSX)

Rachel and Peggy: ...Forming Arms and Torso!

Alex and Lynxtron: ...Forming Feet and Legs!

Ryuki, Ryuko and Drago: ...And We'll Form, The Head!

Ryuki, Rachel, Peggy, Alex, Lynxtron, Ryuko, and Drago: ...Super Omega Force Robo - Fusion Complete!!!

KujiCarrier (Via Puppet): Ta-Da

Drago Silverfang/Omegaman Gold: ...A Disknight with No Pieces is No Match for Us! (Omega Force Robo Charges in at the Experienment)

Peggy Nekoyama/Omegaman Yellow: Let's End This Fight with a Bang! (Omega Force Robo does Damage to the Disknight Experiment)

Lynxtron/Omegaman Pink: GOT HIM!

Alex Leafstorm/Omegaman Green: Hey, Lynxtron, We are Not Losing, This Time!

Lynxtron/Omegaman Pink: AGREED! (Alex and Lynxtron do Damage to the Disknight in their Mecha)

Ryuko Skybolt/Omegaman Black: (Sets Tigra to her Disc Changer) It's Time that Tigra Got some Fresh Blood (Spins the Disc to Call Her)

Tiger Disc Guardian Tigra: Wǒ xiǎng zhè shì zuótiān zhīhòu de shì - Translation: I Guess This Makes Up after Yesterday! (Becomes her Vehicle Form, While Ryuko sets Apollo to Call Him and Spins his Disc)

Phoenix Disc Guardian Apollo: I Say, This is Going to Be Delightful (Becomes his Vehicle Form, While They Combine onto Super Omega Force Robo, And Do major Damage to the Experiment)

KujiCarrier (Via Puppet) Oooh, Now, That is a Fresh Attack!

Ryuki Skybolt/Omegaman Red: Pretty Impressive, Sis (Sets Miki to his Disc Changer and Spins her Disc to Call Her)

Raccoon Disc Guardian Miki: Aw Yeah, It's Time that I Got a Piece of the Action! (Miki becomes her Vehicle Form, While Ryuki sets Leona to his Disc Changer, and Spins her Disc to Call Her)

Lion Disc Guardian Leona: It's Time that Your Hungry Girl got A Taste of this Action, Too! (Miki becomes her Vehicle Form, While They Combine onto Super Omega Force Robo, And Do major Damage to the Experiment)

KujiCarrier (Via Puppet): I Dunno About you But It Seems that I Have a Good Feeling about the Alpha Team's Omega Vehicles

Drago Silverfang/Omegaman Gold: Oui

Ryuki and Ryuko: Okay, Time to End This! ...Huh?

Drago Silverfang/Omegaman Gold: You Two Make A Great Couple

Ryuki and Ryuko: What?, We're Siblings, Also, No!

Drago Silverfang/Omegaman Gold: See, ...Still, Let's End this!

(All The Omegaman Prepare their Finisher)

Ryuki, Rachel, Peggy, Alex, Lynxtron, Ryuko, and Drago: ...Super Omega Force Robo - Omega All Star Strike!!! (And as The Super Combination of Omega Force Robo Unleashes It's Finisher, It Hits the Disknight Experiment, And Destroys It, Once and For All)

Ryuki and Ryuko: ...Disc Mission Complete!

(Meanwhile, Back at the Alpha Team's Cafe...)

Commander Alpha: I Dunno How You Guys Did it, But it is Very Amazing That you Managed to Obtain All 5 Discshard Pieces in One Shot! (Puts the Pirate Cellphone Discshard Piece into the Vault)

Peggy Nekoyama: Well, To Be Honest with You, Commander, Even if We Managed to Pull It Off, It Was not An Easy Battle To Do!

Commander Alpha: I Know, Peggy, I Know

Ryuki Skybolt: Oh, And Another Thing, It Seems that Drago Knows Something about Those Binoculars that General Ovi has in her Possession

Commander Alpha: ...And if He Knows that, What Else has Happened?

Rachel Moonflower: What Else Happened? Nothing at All, After That, He Told Us to Retreat from the Disknight Experiment

Commander Alpha: I See, But At Least You Managed to Defeat that Ruffian, ...Still, If You Three do not Mind, I Shall Confirm with Drago Silverfang, As Soon As Possible, Take Care! (Leaves the Cafe, and We Now See Drago in the Cave from Before, And We Now See the Outcome to that Duel from Before Via Flashback)

Drago Silverfang/Omegaman Silver: ...And i Am Not Going to Give Up Either of Those! (Drago unleashes his Finisher, and Ryuko tries to Cancel Him, But Takes the Blow, and as Stones Fly towards Him, Ryuko aims her Blaster at Him, She Fires at Him, But he Takes No Damage, And Drago sticks her Sword between Her Body) ...So, The Duel is Now Over (As the Flashback is Over, We now See Drago seeing The Aftermath of the Battle) ...You Know, Ryuko, After an Amazing Battle, I Owe You One after Facing Me in Battle, Merci. (We now See Ryuko looking at the Sunset from her HQ)

Alex Leafstorm: I Think Ryuko is In Shock after Losing the Fight


Betacoon: Yeah, Until the Next Episode Comes, We Should Leave her Alone (Alex and Lynxtron Agree to This)

Drago Silverfang/Omegaman Silver (Voice Only): ...We will Get Back All of the Discshard Pieces, and Revive Those who Are Dear to Us!

Ryuko Skybolt (Voice Only): So, The Alpha Team's Goal, Once they Gather All of the Discshard Pieces, I Wonder what Will Happen?

(And as The Main Story of Omega Disc Squadron Omegaman Comes to An End, We cut to A New Segment of Omega Disc Squadron Omegaman entitled "Omegaman Mecha Profile 101", Which Talks About the Team's Signature Robots in this Season)

KujiCarrier: Oh, Hello There, And Welcome to Omegaman Mecha Profile 101, A New Segment Which will Talk About the Signature Robots of this Season

Ryuki Skybolt: And Today, We'll Be Talking About Some Combinations for the Robot of Both Omegaman Teams, Super Omega Force Robo!

Ryuko Skybolt: Didn't We Talk about this In Episode 27?

Drago Silverfang: Basically, It's About those Combos you Did on that Disknight

Ryuko Skybolt: Oh, That makes Sense

Ryuki Skybolt: Anyways, Just like the Regular Omega Force Robos, Super Omega Force Robo can Swap his Hands on the Top Arms to Swap the Combinations, For Example, When Alpha Team is Needed, Leona and Miki can Swap the Top Arms in Order to Get some Alpha Team Power

Ryuko Skybolt: And When the Beta Team is Needed, Apollo and Tigra can Swap the Top Arms in Order to Get some Beta Team Power

Drago Silverfang: Still, I'm Glad that You Both Make a Perfect Combo

Ryuki and Ryuko: Don't Start That Again!!!

Drago Silverfang: Okay, Fine, I Won't Bring it Up, Again!

Ryuki Skybolt: Good, That will Prove You Not to Get on my Bad Side

Ryuko Skybolt: Same Goes to Me, Even if I Should Have Won that Duel to Become Stronger.

Drago Silverfang: And Yet, You Lost

Ryuko Skybolt: Shut Up!

KujiCarrier: Still, That is it for This Week, Join Us, Next Time, and We'll Talk About another Combination in a Future Episode

Ryuki, Ryuko and Drago: Either Way, See You Next Time

(The End)

Here's The Second Chapter for Omegaman, This Week

© 2025 TeamProckyBen
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