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Wedding Jitters, BonesxReader by Captainninapants, literature

Comments 280

anonymous's avatar
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I love this group! I have some drawings, one so far that are in a stained window style and depict Leonard Mccoy with wings.  The story is set in the main AOS universe and is triumvirate but has to deal with the supernatural creeping into reality (inspired by Kingdom/Kingdom Hospital).  For the second story, I've decided to have all the illustrations be in this stained glass symbolic style because Bones has entered the NDE.  I was wondering where you want me to put this?
Hillarydoctorjon23's avatar
Thank you for letting me join, huge trekkie fan! 
ZinniaSnowdrop's avatar
Thank you for letting me join! :mccoynoid:  After watching the new films I wanted to see the originals, so am watching the boxsets now and then onto the films.
Bones is definitely my favourite character!

 Star Trek Nodding (Community Emoticon) :heart:
Four-Nostril's avatar
If I may give my two cents on the month-old discussion below, I would like to say that I also noted this tendency with McCoy. It wasn't until after my ape-like OC was well established that I realised what a step it was for McCoy to associate with her. In one of my fics, I made him come face to face with his own species-ism. As he says in that one: "The sins of my forfathers are coming back to haunt me!" To really get the point across, I had him pictured in the late 18th century ("Captain James Cook of the HMS Endeavour").
TheMilwaukeeProtocol's avatar
Oh, one last thing -- it's just a dumb story -- my dad likes TOS well enough but only knows the general stuff about it. So I was showing him this stupid little sketch I made of Bones (not worth uploading, trust me), and, out of restlessness, I finished by adding a pictogram of the actor's name in the corner (just some trees chopped off). And I said to my dad that it was the guy's name, and he looks at it cockeyed and goes, "Tree stumps?" LOL, so now I like to call him Tree Stumps Kelley.
Bootsii's avatar
LOOOOL That is amazing :XD:
TheMilwaukeeProtocol's avatar
I am acutely aware of being a brand-new member, and I am very grateful to be a part, so I am wary of dumping a white elephant into the room so early (assuming no one has done it in this group yet?). But, it distresses me enough to want to establish it before I go any further. Kelley's face does quicken my pulse, much against my will, hence my acute interest. Nevertheless, the first McCoy seems racist to me. No one name calls like he does, no other characters take such low shots at Spock. McCoy's criticism of Spock's approach is demeaning, not constructive criticism. It resembles the tradition of painfully ignorant white men talking down non-white colleagues with whom they are forced to work. Does anyone else have a problem with McCoy's closed-mindedness, and, if so, how do you cope and justify your fandom?
I appreciate your patience wih me!