TeahouseWebComic's avatar


Come for gay, stay for tea.
Years Ago

Comments 76

anonymous's avatar
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Okay, I know this totally most likely not going to be cool. But I am insanely excited. I haven't seen anything up for sale in YEARS. So I wanted to share it. I understand if this gets taken down, but it's worth it! There are some books up for sale and some weird collection thing. I've been letting some people know and decided it would be worth a shot here too. I totally get if the link is not comfortable. The user id is Youkerie on ebay. 

Lurockia's avatar
Would anyone here happen to have the Xanthe and Linneus' Love Letters from the Special Edition Print?
I'd love to have a scan of them so I could read them if possible seeing as it's no longer possible to purchase them. ):

If not I appreciate it nonetheless, thanks everyone and thank you Emirain for having created such a wonderful comic that I still enjoy even now!
German Teahouse translation here:  teahousecomic-de.blogspot.com/

(Projected completion: July 1, 2015  Tears)
Tivitibei's avatar
It sucks that the comic is  now cancelled!!! :tears: :tears: :tears:
Iron-Lyons's avatar
I always assumed I'd have time to buy the printed volumes one day, but came back today to find it's all over and that time is gone. I managed to buy 3 and 4, but now can never get 1, 2, and 5. Curses! You don't know how badly I shall rue the days I decided to keep putting it off! Anyone who can help me, I would be GREATLY appreciative!

And to the mistresses of this fine comic, I say, once more, a huge thank you for doing all the work you did! I loved every page of it!
spiritbird's avatar
anyone got a copy of chapter 5?
I'm after two copies, one for me and one for a friend
SeasideDreamer's avatar
thanks for the story up until now~! it was beautifully done!