My Full Portfolio:
Hello! Welcome to my page! While my username is teaa-eva, you can call me Tess. I'm an absolute geek, and slight otaku, who loves cartoons, all things superhero related, sci-fi, anime, manga, and k-dramas. I like to write and create OC's for a lot of the shows and stories I watch and read. I honestly have so many OC's, and I may or may not share them all here for you all! So, if you see anything you like, have similar interests, and/or enjoy my art, I hope you enjoy my page! Also, feel free to start a chat with me, as I'd love to get to know more people who like the same/similar stuff as me!
It's nice to meet you!
- Tess
your characters seem nice and your style is cute so I decided to watch you back
Hope you have a nice day <3