Armor-Piercing ResponseTayla-Chan2023 on DeviantArt

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Tayla-Chan2023's avatar

Armor-Piercing Response



"Well, there are very good reasons why The Wolf has quickly become one of DreamWorks Animation's most memorable and intimidating villains to date. Everything about him, from his design, to his voice, to his personality, to his Leitmotif, feels like he walked right out of a Slasher Movie, and his mere presence alone outright turns the film into one. In fact, the Wolf provides so much of the film's Nightmare Fuel that he ended up getting his own folder. And the icing on the nightmare cake? He's not just some run-of-the-mill bounty hunter, as Puss first suspects he is... He is Death. And as he makes clear to Puss (and the audience), that's not a metaphor or an exaggeration. He’s literally and unambiguously Death himself. It's true for all of us. The wolf's true idenity surprises Ralph and Felix."

Someone is frustrated and makes a hard statement, or asks a question that, if not rhetorical, is not meant to have an obvious answer to it. It might even be intended as an Armor-Piercing Question. But somehow, the other person responds with an answer that is poignant and usually succinct. Such an answer will often invoke the sort of Stunned Silence the original question was intended to cause, just in the one who asked the question.

The response causes the questioner to drop their guard, not ready to face the reality of what was said. When there are other characters in the scene, expect them to be surprised as well.

Tends to also be a Wham Line. In some cases, the question and answer are brought up by the same person, as a one-two punch. In other cases, the response may itself be phrased as a question, leading to an overlap with Armor-Piercing Question. May sometimes lead to a "Eureka!" Moment. Can be used alongside Blunt "Yes", Rhetorical Question Blunder, Brutal Honesty, Little "No", Things Man Was Not Meant to Know, and You Are Not Ready.

Sub-Trope of Stopped Dead in Their Tracks as a possible route following said stop. Compare Wisdom from the Gutter for when it's the responder who's shocking (because they aren't considered a wise figure) rather than the response.

Credit to: kTd1993

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Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (C) Dreamworks

Wreck it Ralph (C) Disney

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© 2023 - 2025 Tayla-Chan2023
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