The Walk (short film) - Shots 7+8TawnySoup on DeviantArt

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The Walk (short film) - Shots 7+8



If you haven't watched 'The Walk' yet, please click here to go see it, or watch it in my featured comment below! It currently has about 9k views on youtube, and me and the whole team get so excited watching the number rise! 8w8 Lets try and get it to 10k!

These were some more simple shots that I did! For shot 8, where the dog runs away excitedly, I took a lot of critique for from my mentor as Sellout Pictures. I'm really glad Vicki Haworth was there to give such great feedback, or it wouldn't look the same! Look at that dog bounce <3

Animation (roughs and cleanup), flat colours - myself!
Backgrounds and shading - Lynn Biederer (shot 7 bg collabed between Lynn and Alex Heard)
Character designs - Chloe Butchart, Millie Mara Mackie and Aleksandra Szejko


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Made with TVPaint Animation 11.
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1000x562px 6.63 MB
© 2020 - 2025 TawnySoup
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JuliaFliess's avatar

The character acting is so good!

I'm really blown away by the shadows?