Byubuu Run CycleTawnySoup on DeviantArt

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TawnySoup's avatar

Byubuu Run Cycle



You have no idea how many times I redid this run cycle holy christ OTL I almost made a poll I am so out of practice. Very nearly stopped with this one too but I decided to keep going because it ain't gonna look perfect off the bat.
And for the record, 5 times. That's how many times I tried to make this freAKING THING >8OOOOOOOOO BUT IT'S DONE NOW SO THERE YOU HAVE IT

It's supposed to be the Byubuu bab I won from the DTA TTvTT I haven't... actually given them a name yet whoops. Let's call them Chase. No not just because they run and they have target patterns on them though that's the idea xD it's an actual name apparently. Chase the Byubuu. Haven't decided on a gender yet.

Chase/Art/Animation belongs to me.
Byubuus species belongs to M4WiE.
Made with Adobe Flash CS3.
Image size
700x575px 91.63 KB
© 2015 - 2025 TawnySoup
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cuuuute !!! Pop Team Epic Pipimi Sour Face Icon f2u